We are a student-led organization fighting for reproductive rights with support from genetic counselors and allies. Our main goal is to raise awareness and funds for the Tiller Fund in honor of
Dr. George Tiller. Together, we can increase access
to abortions and fight for reproductive rights.

Who are we?

Reproductive rights refer to the freedom of
individuals to make their own choices about contraception, sterilization, abortion, and their
own reproductive health.

What are Reproductive Rights?

Why Advocate for Abortion Rights as Genetic Counselors?

Reproductive choice is fundamental to the principles of genetic counseling. Not only do abortion bans obstruct us from providing proper care to our patients, but they strip patients of their autonomy and further amplify existing health disparities in marginalized populations.

As healthcare professionals who are trained to understand the importance of choice from both a biological and a psychosocial lens, we are uniquely qualified to speak up for reproductive justice and advocate for access to safe abortions.

Who was Dr. George Tiller?

Dr. George Tiller was a beloved healthcare provider who dedicated his life to abortion access and persistently helped patients in need. He was tragically murdered in 2009
by an anti-abortion terrorist who targeted him because of this work.

“Abortion is about women’s hopes, dreams, potential, the rest of their lives. Abortion is a matter of survival for women.”

- George Tiller

The Symbolism of Green.

The color green became a symbol of resistance to anti-abortion laws during pro-abortion activist efforts in Argentina. Those efforts worked– Argentina legalized abortion in December 2020. 

The color was soon taken up by organizers in other Latin American countries, and it has since spread to represent reproductive rights movements around the world. 

The growing impact of this abortion rights movement has become known as the  “marea verde,” or the “green wave.”

Marta Alanis, an Argentinian abortion rights activist, has described green as a "symbol of hope, health, life."